Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Blues

Here it is::: The Monday after being gone for every weekend in September. The Monday after standing in the rain for 4 hours at Lane Stadium. The Monday where I feel like I *might* be coming down with something.

I almost stayed home from work today, but I figured there is no use in that. There was no good reason for me to spend a sick day at home. I was tired when I woke up this morning, but that's pretty typical. Now I am feeling warm, tired, and cranky - which again could just be a lack of sleep, or I could be coming down with something.

I have practice tonight from 7-10pm, and will not be getting home until around 11pm, if I am lucky (something about paving on the highway...). I will attempt to go to bed immediately, but this does not always work out well. I will re-evaluate things in the morning and will decided how I am feeling then.

I was freezing last night and needed to break out the down comforter, which was odd...again, we'll see how tonight goes, which will dictate how tomorrow goes.

Ugh. serious case of the Monday's.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Scream

ice cream is getting the best of me today. I'm on round 2...last round was about 1.5 hours ago. make me stop!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rock the Red

So, I just spent 3 weeks in Missouri - arrived home a week ago. I am used to these long work trips that I have been exposed to a number of times - I have been to this particular location 3 times before, so I was aware of what I liked to do and where I liked to eat.
Fortunately the first 2 weeks went by really quickly b/c I was doing A LOT of field work - basically every other day - and those were full days in the field - 12+ hours. Anyway, my stint, for now, is over, and I am back to Virginia, Hooray!

Since I have been back it has rained everyday (it was rainy in MO, too - so I saw about 3+ weeks of cloudy and/or rainy days in a row), but it finally poked its face out yesterday - and today!! It wasn't even supposed to be sunny til tomorrow!

Also, when I headed out to Missouri, the Stanley Cup Playoffs had yet to begin. Our Caps managed to pull off a first round victory in 7 games...phew! I was only able to watch 1 game (a loss) and then caught the end of our 5-3 victory, but other than that I had a great friend who filled me in via text message :)
Here we are in round 2 - caps and penguins are tied 2 games a piece - UGH! Caps seriously need to pick up their level of play - or else their season will be donezo!
I am thrilled that they have made it to round 2 of the SC playoffs, but really - we're better than this!

Well, the end of the first period of game 5 is wrapping up - hot tub time - then more hockey time!

Monday, March 23, 2009

sinus fun

Sinus headaches are no fun!
I have been 'suffering' for the past few weeks with some sort of sinus related ailment. Today started out fine - but by 10am, I had a full blown sinus headache.

I have taken a sudafed and can totally feel it:) I like to call it 'Sudafed Head'.

I am all moved in - well sorta. The new mattress comes tomorrow {hooray!} - everything is still getting settled, and so am I. I was completely apprehensive with this new move, but I think in the long run it will be good. {I know I can consistantly get to work in ~35 minutes from my new location - however, getting home is a different story}

Anyway, Happy Monday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

{Philly Love 06/22/08}


Im considering changing the name of my blog - and most likely will {grin}.

New bed was delivered to my 'new' living space yesterday {yay}.

I move to new living space on Saturday (and away from my parents for the first time since college) {uh oh, yay, yippiee, grin}

Change is coming - and I think I may like it {does my bank account like it?? hmm}

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'll be back...

...tomorrow. I've been gone out of town, and will hopefully recap tomorrow :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!!

We got a good 5-7 inches of snow overnight, which results in me working from home! I normally would try to get into the office if it snows, but my street doesn't get treated/plowed and nor do the other side roads I take to the office. I feel it's safer for me (and everyone else!) to stay home and do my work here :)

It's obviously a much more relaxing atmosphere, and I typically actually get more done at home than in the office...go figure.

I'll get out and take some photos later - my dog loves snow, so I've promised him some play time out there :)

Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday...and a Busy Weekend Ahead!

This week has gone by much faster than the previous two weeks have - not sure why, but Im really not going to complain about it :) It's Friday and that's awesome!

I just got back from having some delicious pizza and an incredibly yummy chocolate cookie sundae...let's just say that the cookie was cooked about 1/2 way (and they cooked it in the pizza oven/fire!!!). I'm adjusting into my afternoon working, and am looking forward to the end of the day.

I have a busy weekend ahead of me, too. Tonight we have practice (nationals is next week!) from 7-930pm, which isn't too late - hooray! Then tomorrow I'm getting my skates sharpened, probably watching the hockey game, and going to a friends beer and cheese pairing party - one that probably ends w/ a good session of rockband. I'm sure I'll squeak a nap in there somewhere - I usually do.

Sunday is pretty full, too. I am going to go watch another little team in the area's send-off for nationals. It's the same organization that I skated for when I was younger, so I like to go back and support them - this is also the first time in like 12 years that a team from the organization has qualified for nationals, which is just super exciting!

Then Sunday evening we have our own send-off for family and friends - followed by practice. My mom should be coming to watch, and is either dragging along my brother or my dad...we'll see.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

{Oregon Coast - October 2008}

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why the Name?

I'm guessing that it is going to take me a little while to get into the groove of posting 'interesting' memes here. I'm currently trying to think of something worthwhile, but I seem to be coming up short. I suppose I can discuss why my space is called 'Life is Change'.

The phrase originated, in my life anyway, from one of my skating coaches back in middle school or very early high school. We had a skating program that was consistently changed and modified from the beginning of the season to the end. Every time we'd question why we were having all these changes, she'd respond with 'Life is Change'. It sort of became that teams mantra. One day she surprised the entire team with t-shirts with our logo and that phrase on it. It was cherished by all.

I'm not sure where that shirt is today, but I do vividly remember it and it's little catchphrase. I am currently a twenty-something who is about to experience some change of my own, and while thinking of a blog title or 'name' I thought it was fitting. I hope to express some of lifes little changes here on my blog, and hopefully it'll begin to take on a life of it's own. No guarantees.

I'm going to have to learn how to format and make it my own, but until then, it's good enough.

I found this photo one day while google searching 'June'. It adds a dash of color. I hope to start getting some of my own photos up here...appears to be very easy.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Hello There

Welcome to my space!
I have tried my hands many times at blogging, but have never seen a blog past more than a month or two. I really want to make this work, but we'll see how it goes. I have a lot of good concepts in my head, yet sometimes I just get too busy or lazy to translate them to 'print'.

So, C'mon, Let's Go!