Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rock the Red

So, I just spent 3 weeks in Missouri - arrived home a week ago. I am used to these long work trips that I have been exposed to a number of times - I have been to this particular location 3 times before, so I was aware of what I liked to do and where I liked to eat.
Fortunately the first 2 weeks went by really quickly b/c I was doing A LOT of field work - basically every other day - and those were full days in the field - 12+ hours. Anyway, my stint, for now, is over, and I am back to Virginia, Hooray!

Since I have been back it has rained everyday (it was rainy in MO, too - so I saw about 3+ weeks of cloudy and/or rainy days in a row), but it finally poked its face out yesterday - and today!! It wasn't even supposed to be sunny til tomorrow!

Also, when I headed out to Missouri, the Stanley Cup Playoffs had yet to begin. Our Caps managed to pull off a first round victory in 7 games...phew! I was only able to watch 1 game (a loss) and then caught the end of our 5-3 victory, but other than that I had a great friend who filled me in via text message :)
Here we are in round 2 - caps and penguins are tied 2 games a piece - UGH! Caps seriously need to pick up their level of play - or else their season will be donezo!
I am thrilled that they have made it to round 2 of the SC playoffs, but really - we're better than this!

Well, the end of the first period of game 5 is wrapping up - hot tub time - then more hockey time!