Monday, March 23, 2009

sinus fun

Sinus headaches are no fun!
I have been 'suffering' for the past few weeks with some sort of sinus related ailment. Today started out fine - but by 10am, I had a full blown sinus headache.

I have taken a sudafed and can totally feel it:) I like to call it 'Sudafed Head'.

I am all moved in - well sorta. The new mattress comes tomorrow {hooray!} - everything is still getting settled, and so am I. I was completely apprehensive with this new move, but I think in the long run it will be good. {I know I can consistantly get to work in ~35 minutes from my new location - however, getting home is a different story}

Anyway, Happy Monday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

{Philly Love 06/22/08}


Im considering changing the name of my blog - and most likely will {grin}.

New bed was delivered to my 'new' living space yesterday {yay}.

I move to new living space on Saturday (and away from my parents for the first time since college) {uh oh, yay, yippiee, grin}

Change is coming - and I think I may like it {does my bank account like it?? hmm}

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I'll be back...

...tomorrow. I've been gone out of town, and will hopefully recap tomorrow :)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow Day!!

We got a good 5-7 inches of snow overnight, which results in me working from home! I normally would try to get into the office if it snows, but my street doesn't get treated/plowed and nor do the other side roads I take to the office. I feel it's safer for me (and everyone else!) to stay home and do my work here :)

It's obviously a much more relaxing atmosphere, and I typically actually get more done at home than in the office...go figure.

I'll get out and take some photos later - my dog loves snow, so I've promised him some play time out there :)